Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Just Keep Saying, "Wow"

After using the AM Wand several times, I am in a continuous "wow" status.

Last night I had the privilege to wand a 34 year old woman who has had rather severe muscles pain in her neck, shoulders, back and legs for years along with severe migraines. The pain is severe enough and disabling enough that she cannot hold down a job.

Yesterday was one of her better days with only a slight headache and pain level 4 in neck and shoulders. About a minute after starting to wand, she said that her headache was gone. After continuing to wand head, neck and shoulders for approx. 7-8 minutes, she reported a pain level reduced to about 1. -- Not bad, eh?

While wanding she told of the relaxing of her muscles and feeling as if everything was moving down her arms - not the pain, but a "heaviness". So I began wanding down her arms and into her hands all the way to the fingertips. It was then that she said the sensation had moved out of her body, but that she felt the energy or "heat" as she called it.

Her husband, one of those allergy sufferers was next. His ears had not been clear for two weeks, but after 2 or 4 minutes, his ears popped open and were clear. He reported less congestion and was really pleased to have this relief.

When I wand, I am in a state of prayer that the God - Jesus- "all things were made by Him..." would use this zero point energy tool to cause the body to bring healing.

I know that He can and does heal without any aids sometime, but I also know that most of the time in our society, He chooses to use doctors as His agent and I consider the Am Wand to be an aid in the healing process with a complete understanding that this body has been created to heal itself when it is not impeded by outside elements.

Is this the power of positive thinking? Thinking positively certainly helps, but you can think positively all of the time and still die of cancer. So what is going on here is much more than that.

Get on a call and listen for yourself.
MON - THURS AT 3PM AND 9PM EST 218-862-1300 pin 886161

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