Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just viewed Wand The World

WOW! There I go again.!

I just was on the new Wand The World site for Amega.

Talk about documentation about these fabulous zero point energy products. It is all right here, much of it on video and the video success stories from people who were seriously in pain, but now are pain free or dramatically reduced.

Come on folks -- what a chance to help so many people. Everyone of us have relatives or neighbors, co-workers or friends in pain -- and we can help -- for the first time - we can help.

Take a look for yourself -- www.wandtheworld.com/?go=nsimpson

Please feel free to call me with questions at 877-544-6012 toll free.

Norman Simpson


  1. Just linked your site. thanks sir

  2. interesting technology but-----------?

  3. Welcome to the site.
    Not being a medicine man (doctor) or a scientist, I certainly do not know how this all works, but for sure, it does.
